
AI in autonomous driving

    What is AI autonomous driving?          The application of artificial intelligence technologies to enable vehicles to operate independently without human input. This system integrates various AI techniques to allow vehicles to navigate and function safely across different driving conditions. It relies on sensors like cameras, radar, and LiDAR to collect data about the environment, which AI algorithms then process to understand and interpret road conditions and obstacles. The AI system makes real-time decisions for path planning, steering, acceleration, and braking, continually improving through machine learning. Additionally, it addresses ethical and safety considerations to ensure secure and efficient driving, aiming to enhance the overall driving experience and reduce human error.   The importance of AI autonomous driving in our society           AI technology learns through algorithms that most of the data all over the world using the algorithm of AI has generated the expect

Definition of Technological trends

    Definition of Technological trends      Technological trends are not just a concept of technological advancement contrary to popular belief. Technological trends extend beyond simple progress in technology. They are driven and shaped by societal demands, cultural evolution, economic influences, and ethical concerns. These factors are closely linked, illustrating how technology impacts our everyday lives.      In modern society, technological trends hold great significance. They cover the rise and advancement of new technologies but also how these innovations affect our daily existence.       For instance, t echnological trends, like the use of AI in autonomous vehicles where the growing demand for safer, faster, and greener transportation speeds up the advancement of AI technologies require areas for improvement. It introduces new possibilities and challenges that society must navigate, affecting regulations, employment, and daily practices.     Damien Riehi (2018) states in the ar